IntroductionWorking With RecordsActivity ReportsLocation ServicesWebhook ManagementExamplesBatching Requests

Activity Reports

Interface Summary
URI HTTP Methods
/report/nextactions [GET]
/report/followups [GET]
/report/opportunities [GET]
/report/activities [GET]
/report/timetracking [GET]




Example request


curl -u '{userEmail}:{userApiToken}' -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' -d '<request><start>2009-08-02</start><end>2009-08-08</end></request>'


curl -u '{userEmail}:{userApiToken}' -X GET

Example response

      <details>Integrated Solve with billing system</details>
      <itemname>John Smith</itemname>
      <taskname>one test task</taskname>



/report/nextactions List tasks, events and milestones

filter (integer [user id, group id]), or
filter (integer [no one=0, anyone=<empty>])

due (string [now, next7, next30, nodate, or dateFrom,dateTo]), or not sending due will not filter by date

itemsdata (integer [0=do not include parent data, 1=include parent data])
/report/followups List open follow-ups

responsible (integer [user id, group id]), or
responsible (integer [no one=0, anyone=<empty>]

due (string [now, next7, next30, nodate, or dateFrom,dateTo]), or not sending due will not filter by date

itemsdata (integer [0=do not include parent data, 1=include parent data])
/report/opportunities Lists deals by user and status criteria

filter (integer [user id, group id]), or
filter (integer [no one=0, anyone=<empty>]

status (string [discussion, pending, won, lost, on-hold])

due (string [now, next7, next30, nodate, or dateFrom,dateTo]), or
not sending due will not filter by date

itemsdata (integer [0=do not include parent data, 1=include parent data])
/report/activities List activities that have been created, modified created or modified, or when specifying only tasks, completed, matching many different criteria

start (date)

end (date)

last (string [created, updated, changed, completed])

types (integer [3, 4, 6, 14, 23, 24, 32, 73, 88])

users (integer [group id, user id])

categories (integer)

itemtypes (integer [1, 2, 40])

itemsdata (integer [0=do not include parent data, 1=include parent data])
/report/timetracking Lists time records matching a specific date range and status

start (date)

end (date)

filter (string, [invoiced, billable, non-billable]

itemtypes (integer [1, 2, 40])

itemsdata (integer [0=do not include parent data, 1=include parent data])


Multiple values supported separated by comma

Activity types

Activity Type ID
note 3
followup 6
task 14
file 23
photo 24
deal 32
interaction 73