The Location Services API is a versatile and powerful resource, designed for both indoor and outdoor tracking. It offers a REST method for locating people or objects, providing last-reported and historical location data through straightforward query parameters. Additionally, the API includes robust reporting capabilities for reporting time spent in specific zones and a real-time streaming method to stay updated on data changes, alerts, and state changes as they occur
Example request
curl -u '{userEmail}:{userApiToken}' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d '{"searchvalue": "housekeeping", "lastreportedwithin": "60", "relativedeviceaddress": "5/290792806/10037602"}'
Example response
{ "count": 3, "records": [ { "contactid": 292114830, "contactname": "Maria Sanchez", "deviceaddress": "5/290792806/10037608", "location": { "timestamp": "2024-08-16 12:52:13", "areaid": 290794804, "areaname": "Default Area", "buildingid": 290794805, "buildingname": "Orbit Park Circle", "floorid": 291034807, "floorlabel": "3", "floorlevel": "3", "zoneid": 29115831, "zonename": "3 22 bathroom", "position": "42.50042,-90.733624", "source": "ble" }, "distancemeters": 3 }, { "contactid": 292114833, "contactname": "Emily Johnson", "deviceaddress": "5/290792806/10037609", "location": { "timestamp": "2024-08-16 11:51:58", "areaid": 290794804, "areaname": "Default Area", "buildingid": 290794805, "buildingname": "Orbit Park Circle", "floorid": 291034807, "floorlabel": "3", "floorlevel": "3", "zoneid": 291154831, "zonename": "3 22 bathroom", "position": "42.50042,-90.733624", "source": "ble" }, "distancemeters": 15 }, { "contactid": 292114836, "contactname": "Lily Thompson", "deviceaddress": "5/290792806/10037622", "location": { "timestamp": "2024-08-16 12:52:28", "areaid": 290794804, "areaname": "Default Area", "buildingid": 290794805, "buildingname": "Orbit Park Circle", "floorid": 291034807, "floorlabel": "3", "floorlevel": "3", "zoneid": 291195876, "zonename": "3 19", "position": "42.500418,-90.733579", "source": "ble" }, "distancemeters": 12 } ], "status": "success" }
searchvalue | The beginning of the contact's name, up to the full first and last name, or a 'tag type' title, or a contactId {string} |
relativedeviceaddress | The device's full network address, used to calculate its distance from other devices in the result set {string} |
lastreportedwithin | The number of minutes within which the device's location must have been last updated to be included {integer} |
historyminutes | Applied when the result is a single record includes all location updates from the past specified number of minutes {integer} |
Example request
curl -u '{userEmail}:{userApiToken}' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d '{"min":1,"max":1440,"range":"2024-08-02 00:00:00,2024-08-30 23:23:59", "deviceaddress":"5/290792406/10037602"}'
Example response
{ "timebydevice": { "contactid": 292113855, "contactname": "Walter Stevenson", "deviceid": "10037602", "devicename": "10037602", "count": 6, "records": [ { "zoneid": 291309755, "zonename": "Hall 2 central", "minutesinzone": { "hall 2 central": 9481 } }, { "zoneid": 291301711, "zonename": "Hall 3 north", "minutesinzone": { "hall 3 north": 903 } }, { "zoneid": 291306841, "zonename": "2 20", "minutesinzone": { "unit 220": 2991 } }, { "zoneid": 291345885, "zonename": "Mens bathroom 1", "minutesinzone": { "mens bathroom 1": 903 } }, { "zoneid": 291194846, "zonename": "3 24", "minutesinzone": { "unit 324": 905 } }, { "zoneid": 291436895, "zonename": "MC commons north", "minutesinzone": { "mc commons north": 9823 } } ] }, "status": "success" }
/report/timebydevice | Report time grouped by contact type (integer) range (date,date) min {integer} max {integer} deviceaddress (string) detailed [0,1] page {integer} sortby [enter,exit] sortorder [asc,desc] |
/report/timebyzone | Report time grouped by zone type (integer) range (date,date) min {integer} max {integer} zoneid (integer) deviceaddress (string) detailed [0,1] page {integer} sortby [enter,exit] sortorder [asc,desc] |
/report/timesummary | Report time in zone by tag type type (integer) range (date,date) min {integer} max {integer} zones (integer) |
Multiple values supported separated by comma
List of all devices with last date when information was received.
Example request
curl -u '{userEmail}:{userApiToken}' -X GET -H 'Accept: application/json'
Example Response
{ "lastseen": { "count": 6, "records": [ { "deviceaddress": "5/290792806/10037605", "timestamp": "2024-08-15 22:52:27", "devicelabel": "10037605", "contactid": 292065856, "contactname": "Evelyn Parker" }, { "deviceaddress": "5/290792806/451441684", "timestamp": "2024-08-15 22:51:55", "devicelabel": "451441684", "contactid": 292065855, "contactname": "Dorothy Campbell" }, { "deviceaddress": "5/290792806/1939515070", "timestamp": "2024-08-19 13:48:59", "devicelabel": "1939515070", "contactid": null, "contactname": null }, { "deviceaddress": "5/290792806/10037607", "timestamp": "2024-08-19 17:07:26", "devicelabel": "10037607", "contactid": 292114827, "contactname": "Margaret Turner" }, { "deviceaddress": "5/290792806/10037606", "timestamp": "2024-08-19 16:11:13", "devicelabel": "10037606", "contactid": 292114824, "contactname": "Leonard Harris" }, { "deviceaddress": "5/290792806/10037623", "timestamp": "2024-08-19 17:12:08", "devicelabel": "10037623", "contactid": 292114839, "contactname": "Mildred Brooks" } ] }, "status": "success" }
List of all devices with battery status.
Example request
curl -s -u '{userEmail}:{userApiToken}' -X GET -H 'Accept: application/json'
Example Response
{ "battery": { "count": 6, "records": [ { "unit": "V", "deviceaddress": "5/290792806/10037605", "battery": "2.95", "devicelabel": "10037605", "contactid": 292065556, "contactname": "Beatrice Scott" }, { "unit": "V", "deviceaddress": "5/290792806/451441684", "battery": "3", "devicelabel": "451441684", "contactid": 292065455, "contactname": "Geraldine Hayes" }, { "unit": "", "deviceaddress": "5/290792806/1939515070", "battery": "None", "devicelabel": "1939515070", "contactid": null, "contactname": null }, { "unit": "", "deviceaddress": "5/290792806/631638513", "battery": "3", "devicelabel": "631638513", "contactid": null, "contactname": null }, { "unit": "V", "deviceaddress": "5/290792806/10037607", "battery": "3.03", "devicelabel": "10037607", "contactid": 292114027, "contactname": "Florence Bennett" }, { "unit": "", "deviceaddress": "5/290792806/10037614", "battery": "3.05", "devicelabel": "10037614", "contactid": null, "contactname": null } ] }, "status": "success" }
To provide real-time updates, we offer access to an MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) endpoint. MQTT is a lightweight, publish-subscribe network protocol that ensures you receive instantaneous data changes, alerts, and state changes without the need for constant polling. It's easy to implement and supported by most programming languages, making it ideal for this type of use case. Tools like Node-RED can help you start working with MQTT quickly and efficiently. Although MQTT is a newer protocol, it delivers updates in the familiar JSON format.
Each business or site/location is assigned a unique Solve "organization ID". Norada will provide you with the details to connect to our MQTT endpoint(s) via username/password or X509 certificate to authenticate to a specific organization.
There are currently three types of message streams you can subscribe to: "data", "state", and "alert". The topic format is: {organizationId}/{deviceId}/{messageStream} The deviceId can be a wildcard [ + ], but the other segments must be specified exactly.
topic: 290792806/+/data { "deviceId": "244725855", "contactId": 292114863, "contactName": "Edward Montgomery", "timeStamp": "2024-08-19 18:37:40", "data": { "proximity": { "label": "Proximity", "value": { "zoneId": 291345829, "zoneIds": [291345829], "buildingId": 290794805, "floorId": 291002884, "anchorId": "209042858", "anchorIds": [ {"deviceId": "209042858", "rssi": -66, "locality": "", "registered": true}, {"deviceId": "296480576", "rssi": -71, "locality": "", "registered": true}, {"deviceId": "15165710", "rssi": -74, "locality": "", "registered": true} ] } }, "position": { "label": "Position", "value": { "coordinates": [42.500352, -90.733674], "src": "ble", "zoneId": 291345829, "zoneIds": [291345829], "buildingId": 290794805, "floorId": 291002884 } }, "batteryVoltage": { "label": "Battery", "value": "2.9", "unit": "V" }, "travelTime": { "label": "Latency", "value": "1.9", "unit": "s" } } }
topic: 290792806/+/state { "deviceId": "10037601", "contactId": 291490743, "contactName": "Eleanor D.", "data": { "state": "W", "alarmEvent": { "label": "Paging", "value": "housekeeping" }, "timeStamp": "2024-06-17 14:05:16" } }
topic: 290792806/+/alert { "text": "Warning: Paging housekeeping for Eleanor D., last located at Hall 1 2 north a moment ago", "deviceId": "10037601", "data": { "contactId": 291490743, "contactName": "Eleanor D.", "channel": "Paging", "value": "housekeeping", "units": "" }, "audio": "BASE64ENCODEDWAVEREMOVED" The audio payload can be used to play over radios, intercom, etc.
The system provides a mechanism to continuously monitor various parameters such as the location of tags and device channel values (e.g., battery, temperature). When these parameters breach a predefined condition, the system generates an alert. These alerts are crucial for notifying users of potential issues and ensuring timely responses.
Type | Color | Description | Use Case |
Monitor | Blue | This type of alert is primarily for logging purposes. It records the event in the system but does not actively notify users. | Suitable for non-critical updates or informational purposes where no immediate action is required. |
Warn | Amber | This alert is more urgent and is designed to actively notify users across all communication channels. It includes in-app notifications, native iOS alerts, and emails. | Suitable for situations where users need to be aware of an issue. |
Alarm | Red | The most critical alert type, which not only notifies users through all communication channels but also creates a ticket for documentation and follow-up. This ensures that the issue is tracked and resolved. | Suitable for severe issues that require immediate attention and follow-up. |